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Logic-1 > alarmClock - if(true) - instrukcja warunkowa

Given a day of the week encoded as 0=Sun, 1=Mon, 2=Tue, ...6=Sat, and a boolean indicating if we are on vacation, return a string of the form "7:00" indicating when the alarm clock should ring. Weekdays, the alarm should be "7:00" and on the weekend it should be "10:00". Unless we are on vacation -- then on weekdays it should be "10:00" and weekends it should be "off"

larmClock(1, false) → "7:00"
alarmClock(5, false) → "7:00"
alarmClock(0, false) → "10:00"

mamy warunek isVacation true or false ktory determinuje ktorym torem pojdziemy.

Instrukcja warunkowa powinna ten warunek sprawdzic jako pierwszy.

if (isVacation){

public String alarmClock(int day, boolean vacation)
  if(day == 0 || day == 6)
   return "off";
  return "10:00";
  if(day == 0 || day == 6)
   return "10:00";
  return "7:00";

Kolejny przykład: if outsideMode true than;

public boolean in1To10(int n, boolean outsideMode) {
  if (outsideMode){
    if(n<=1 || n>=10){
      return true;
    if(n>=1 && n<=10){
       return true;
  }return false;


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